2012年7月22日 星期日

~~My Learning Experience - Joy and Challenges~~

Just have a retrospection!! During our study is in progress,we inevitably need to
deal with various of problems which are difficult and troublous.Hence we were in a
quandary that feel nervous and helpless.For me, I want to partake of a number of
experiences about my own learning difficult,With regard to my experience,the details
is as follow.

  Sorrowfully, my Chinese Language is relatively worse than other classmates is my  class,especially in reading and writing aspects . Moreover, I could hardly applied the knowledge during the exams!! I totally felt frustrated !!Why I cannot like other classmates able to getting a favorable score with ease !!?? By and by,I found the answer,I were lack of practises on weekday probably ,thus incapable to answer the questions in the examinations immediately. Hence , I regular to do some practises in order to get pass ,either in tesks or exams!! The most worth is ,I succeed to got a nice score in end up. I not only felt satisfy with it,but also let me to gained a self-discipline ability !!

    In earnest,even though you are inferior in whichever subject. Take your time, don't be feel discourage, come to grip with reality!! !! Nothing is ever as bad as it seems and you have only to keep your attitude toward positive !!You should set up a target and find out the solution which is suitable for yourself .  I believe that you will soon overcome the difficulties, then escape from diffidence and hesitation !!!
All in all,success are hinge on our own perseverance and determination,the result generally vary with the striving in a sense. Supposing I am aspire to obtain favorable achievement in examination, I must put my heart and soul into the revision and keenly resolved to do well in Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education as hard as possible!!!
NEVER GIVE UP !!!!!!!!

2012年7月15日 星期日

My First Encounter with African Culture - Music and Dance

Well~!! All form 5 students were participated in post-examination activity after  lunch on 27th June, 2012.The motif of the activity is about African drums which aim at let students enable to familiar with more Africa's culture and tradition as well as attempt to beating the drum ! It sounds glamorous and novel !!

For frank,I hadn't any interest in this event initially,it is because the activity hold on the covered  playground where is without  air-conditioned !!!OMG!!! How could I endure to sit under the scorching and sultry weather for several hour!!! I think it is an arduous mission without a doubt !!!! Are you kidding me !!!???

   From day by day,the activity day was come soon!!the leisure day!the free day! All students were assembled at the cover playground to waited for the performances. In my retrospect,there were approximate more than one hundred  African drums on the back of covered playground which were various size and garnished with some ropes,it had a savor of African!!  Nevertheless,there hadn't adequate of drums offered for all students and we need to share the drums with other.Of course, everyone had a chance to beating the drum!!At first,the performer ration out the drums for students ,i also got one and endeavored to play the drum arbitrarily.By and by,the experienced performer began to taught us some basis tempo and sang a tribal song.From nowhere,we gradual could beat and sang in unison.

  The most impress is,the principal , Mr. Wu , some school assistants and students joining the group and showing their talent in dancing the ‘African’way who were led us to play the drums with rhythm. Moreover,it also can train our team sprirt
and creativity!!

   I were greatly heartened by the enthusiastic performances from the performer and teachers in the post-examination activity.Though the weather was hot,yet I thoroughly felt contented and enjoy the activity.